Wednesday, May 8, 2013

After 16 Months of Giving Birth, Pregnant Again

I had a CS delivery with my baby girl who is now 19 months old, and now I'm 15 weeks pregnant.

It takes a lot of care this time as I had a difficult experience giving birth with my previous baby. I was induced for two days and my O.B double the dosage in the afternoon on the 2nd day since my baby wont still descend. She even pricked the bag, unfortunately I became so weak already the pain is too much to bare. We have decided to undergo a CS. At 5:29 my baby was born, weighing more than 8 kilos and 54 inches in height.

We all thought that everything was fine, until midnight I was shaking, I felt cold and I couldn't breathe. I prayed a lot in my head. They immediately executed emergency medical procedures and I survived that life-threatening moment.

In the morning, I went through several tests procedures for them to find out what happened to me. The findings was very surprising I suddenly got Pneumonia, edema, lost a lot of blood so I was transfused with blood later on and given several medicines and high dosage antibiotics.

I had to be treated in the hospital, so my baby was released earlier. Grateful that she was able to drink my colostrum. I just kept on pumping my breast while I was still in the hospital so the milk wont cease producing.

We are surprised when I found out that I am pregnant, since I'm breastfeeding and we only had contact when we thought "I'm safe"...It just goes to show that It was not safe at all. Although my husband and I are little worried we believe that this is God's will and God's gift so we are embracing it with all our heart, putting everything in God's love and power.

I have a new O.B now, and new hospital where we plan to give birth to our baby. Thinking that what happened to me was a simple mismanagement of both my OB and the hospital. Some said that, I should have waited when my baby was really due to come out, some also said that based on ultrasound results OB should have had suggested CS right away.

Since I'm on my 2nd trimester, I walk every morning with my husband to keep me healthy and strong ready for the big day. Also, watching out my food intake, since I'm already weaning by 19 months old baby, I don't have to eat as much as I eat before.

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